
All about Astilbe

Floral Fundamentals visit Lovely Astilbe

Friday the 13th of October we welcomed the international florists of Floral Fundamentals at our fields of Lovely Astilbes. They were very enthusiastic to see the growth process of our flowers.

Floral Fundamentals

Floral Fundamentals offers a platform where growers and suppliers have direct communication with florists and florists can ask direct questions and learn more about the growing process. With this platform Floral Fundamentals aims to share practical information about flowers. Growers can ask for feedback about their flowers and florists will be able to ensure that they use professional growers supplying excellent flowers. Once every three or four years the florists of Floral Fundamentals visit the growers to get insight information on how the products they work with are made.

Ambassadors visit Astilbe fields

New ambassadors were welcomed at Floral Fundamentals. This was an excellent opportunity for a new visit of growers. The new ambassadors are: Kamil Lutostański (Poland), Jonas Jensen (Denmark), Matthew Landers (Australia), Mariann Holmen (Norway), Yulia Medvedyeva (Estonia), Wang Nguyen (Vietnam), Vadim Kazanskiy (Russia), Hidde Klink (The Netherlands) and Chantal Post (Belgium). Also the existing ambassadors were present, namely Harijanto Setiawan (Singapore), Björn Kroner-Salié (Germany) and Franka Roenhorst (The Netherlands). 

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